Don’t Let Your Small Removal Quote Go Horribly Wrong

stressed out movingOne of the main causes of friction between customer and removalist is when the removal company turns up for what was perceived to be a small unvisited job, only to find that it’s anything but. It’s fair to say that in the majority of cases this isn’t intentional, but nevertheless it does happen and many customers end up paying more than they bargained for. So why is this?

Incorrect volume estimation

If a customer is doing their own packing, then in order to make certain that they’ve secured a removal company, they’ll make a booking before they’ve packed. As a result it’s very easy to underestimate volumes when it isn’t all in boxes.

Failure to box everything up

Unboxed items (especially odd shapes) aren’t likely to be stacked easily on the van, therefore, not only increasing the chance of breakage, but also they’ll increase your volume unnecessarily.

Incorrect estimation of the job

Some removal companies will take on unvisited jobs, but if the customer hasn’t been honest and upfront or simply failed or forgotten to mention the difficult access, impossible gradient or exceptionally narrow driveway, then the customer could be opening themselves up to billing disputes.

Not getting a quote in writing

Any reputable removalists worth their salt should always give you a quote for a job in writing when asked. This way, there’s less likelihood of hidden surprises as unless something drastic happens, then this is the price you’ll pay. When you don’t get a quote in writing or you’re given a ‘ball-park’ estimation, then it’s open to interpretation and one that might not go your way.

Not being ready

Most removalist companies run to tight schedules and know how long jobs should take. Therefore if you have a small or part-load, they might decide that they can slot it in with another job. If you’re still frantically trying to pack when the removal truck turns up and they have to wait around, it’s going to impact on other clients.

Failure to disassemble large pieces of furniture

You might have forgotten to disassemble a large dresser or wardrobe which is never going to fit through the door. Again this is going to impact on the removalist’s time and as ‘time is money’ they might have the right to add this cost to your final bill.

If you want to make sure that you don’t get into any sticky situations with your removalist then make sure that you choose a company that offers flexible moving options, written quotes and does pre-visits. At On The Move Removals we guarantee professional removal crews, competitive prices and service with a smile. Call us on 1300 66 84 36 and experience a stress-free move with us.