3 Tips To Speed Up Your Move-In Clean Including Tile cleaning

3 Tips To Speed Up Your Move-In Clean

Finally, you’ve managed to buy a place you can call your very own and now your moving date is just around the corner. We bet you’re feeling super excited. Just think what a ball you can have with all those bare walls and uncluttered spaces. It’s a blank canvas for you to do exactly what you like to make it your home. But before you can let loose with the fun parts of moving, there’s something you have to take care of first – the move-in clean.

Even with the best will in the world, whoever lived there before you are bound to have left behind some dirt or grime which needs taking care of before you can settle in. Unless you’ve moved to a brand new house, you may find the blank canvas isn’t quite as blank as you thought.

Ideally, cleaning your new home is best tackled before you move in as you won’t have to work around a heap of packing boxes and furniture. But if you have to leave it until after you move, so be it – just don’t skip the clean all together. It may take a spot of elbow grease but if you commit to it, you should have it looking fresh and clean in no more than a day or so. We’ve put together a few tips to help you get started.

#1  Clean from high to low

Dust isn’t just something that settles on floors and worktops. Other areas that are close to the ceiling like lights and tops of doors are just as prone to gather dust, but because they’re wiped down less frequently they can sprinkle everywhere below with dust when you get around to giving them a scrub down.

Top tip: ceiling fans are the worse culprits for collecting dust on top of their blades. To avoid being showered with dust when you wipe them clean, place an old pillowcase over each blade and wiping from the centre, let the dust fall into the case. Once you’re done you can simply toss away the pillowcase or empty it out and put it in the washer.

#2  Don’t forget your tiles

Floor tiles are a great addition to Australian homes and make a room look larger and airier. They’re also better than carpets if any member of your family suffers from allergies. That said they can soon dull down without regular TLC. Depending on what they’re made from, tiles need cleaning with products specifically designed for the job or you could risk damaging them. It’s also important not to use any harsh abrasive cleaners or your tiles will get scratched. It’s often the grout which has discoloured that mars the appearance of a tiled floor, so ensure you clean well in between each tile.

Top tip: Cleaning tiles is a real hassle and is very time-consuming. Do yourself a favour and hire out the task to a professional South QLD tile cleaning company who will bring back the sparkle to tiled surfaces. Not only do they have the right cleaning agents for the job and the right tools, but they’ll do a far better job in half the time.

#3  Onto the bathrooms

Cleaning your bathrooms is as much about sanitizing as it is about achieving spotlessly clean surfaces. Once you’ve gone over the entire area with a sponge and general purpose cleaner, follow it up with an antibacterial spray to ensure that any germs are gone. You can never be sure that the toilet seat is truly clean, so we recommend you replace it with a new one. They’re not particularly expensive.

Top tip: It can be difficult to remove hard water stains on metalware, especially showerheads and taps. To make it easier on yourself, try squeezing a lemon and use the juice to rub them down. The acid in lemons is really good at breaking down hard water stains and making metal surfaces sparkle like new again.

At On The Move Removals, we don’t just offer good advice we also offer an affordable and efficient removal service with a smile. Why not let us take the stress off your shoulders with a move that’s tailored to your budget. Give us a call today on 1300 66 84 36 or fill in the form to get a free quote.